Saturday 10 August 2013

David Cameron needs to move the winter Olympics away from Russia!

 Broadcaster Stephen Fry has called for David Cameron to move the winter Olympic games to another country after Russia had announced it's new anti-gay laws. He compared the treatment of gays in Russia to that of the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany and from what I've heard I would agree with hm.

Openly gay Russians are being severely beaten and ill treated by the Russian government and quite frankly it is unnecessary and uncalled for! I know Russia's politicians operate in a different way to that of the UK but surely they are in the 21st centenary too? also, If I am not mistaken it was Russia that joined us in the fight against the Nazis in World War One and Two, I know that Russia's leader has changed since then and that their current leader has different views but he should keep them to himself and not take it out on his people!

David Cameron always says that people should be treated equally no matter what their religion, race or sexual preference yet he refuses to move the winter Olympic games away from a country that is beating gays? it really does baffle me and it also proves that all politicians are two faced hypocrites!  Cameron may feel that it is not affecting his country so it is not his problem but what about the athletes from his country that have to go over to this dictatorship and hell of a country to compete? what if one of the athletes is openly gay and the Russian government find out and have him/her beaten, will it be Cameron's problem then? OF COURSE IT WILL because the victim would then come from his country which believe it or not is his responsibility!

During an interview with BBC News earlier today, Fry said the following very true statement "If no one tell Putin no, sooner or later then the man will go mad". I don't think anyone could've put it better. Yet again we are being let down by our Government when we need them most and I've had enough of it! It's about time we as a country took action along with Stephen Fry and the rest of the people that are protesting today! We need to tell David Cameron to do the right thing and not stop protesting until he does!

It just doesn't sit right with me that there is a country in trouble due to a dictator of a leader and our Prime Minister who is supposed to protect us is letting our athletes go into this country to compete when they could end up getting hurt just for being gay. It's about time Cameron woke up, smelt the coffee and took action!


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