Monday 4 March 2013

What sort of impact will electing an African Pope have on the Catholic Church?

Now Pope Benedict XVI has officially stepped resigned as leader of the Catholic Church, The Vatican now must start looking for a successor. Many people have been speculating at the prospect of having a Pope of African Origin for the first time.

I see this as an amazing prospect for the Catholic Church and the Catholic people in general because I feel that it will allow the Church to allow some cultural diversity within the Vatican. Also, it may give Catholics a chance to live under someone with different opinions to previous Popes in the past. I’m sure many people will agree with me when I say that the Catholic Church needs to be completely reformed after the terrible sexual abuse scandal.

I think that they need to elect an African Pope and possibly let him replace some of Benedict’s previous advisors with his own because this will mark the start of a much needed change and may even convince Catholic’s that anyone connected to the sexual abuse scandal is completely gone, not that I am accusing all of Benedict’s advisors of partaking in the scandal I am just merely saying that some new faces would be a welcome addition to the Vatican.

On the other hand, some Catholics may feel that elected an African Pope would be neglecting certain Catholic traditions and may take a certain dislike to him which will cause even more turmoil within the Catholic Church and community because some of the Cardinals will be conflicted because they will want more than anything to serve their new leader and remain loyal to him but they may also want to do what is right for the people.

We won’t know who the new Pope is until next week but I’m sure that whatever decision is made will be a good one for the Church and the people.

1 comment:

  1. There sure is a lot riding on this decision. Great post Gary!
