Friday 26 April 2013

Michael Gove has finally lost the plot!

You know, when Michael Gove decided to go back to the old ways with GCSE’s I really thought he had gone as far as he could go on his crusade to destroy the current education system! but NO! He has really outdone himself this time!

His latest not so bright idea is to make school days longer and make school holidays shorter, this means we might as well kiss goodbye to our long six week summer if this gets approved. At this point a lot of you may be asking why Michael Gove wants to do this, well I’ll tell you why, his reasoning behind this is because he thinks that summer holidays are old fashioned! He’s the only one who’s being old fashioned here, he doesn’t have a clue what his talking about, his had no teaching experience or even worked in a school serving lunches to the children but he still thinks he knows enough about schools to decide what’s right for students and teachers!

He just isn’t making any sense whatsoever! I can’t even begin to imagine what life would be like if he was in charge of the entire country let alone a very small but very important part of parliament, part of me really just wants to shoot him so badly because this is my education and my future his messing with every single time he makes a stupid decision.

Am I saying that making the school holidays shorter will make my chances of getting into a music college any slimmer? No I am not saying that, however, what I am saying is that Gove deciding to make the holidays shorter is blowing up my social life with a 12 foot cannon and you NEVER mess with a teenager’s social life EVER! 

If this decision is approved (and with David Cameron in charge it probably will be) then  all hell will break lose! every single student and teacher will riot directly outside Downing Street and they won’t stop until the decision is reversed!

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