Saturday 27 July 2013

Twitter doesn’t have a report abuse button? I thought that was standard nowadays

The Majority of social networks have “report abuse” buttons on their sites. This is for obvious reasons, it enables someone to report a user if they are being abused online. It seems that Twitter are yet to catch up with the expectations of the public when it comes to online safety. Twitter apparently do not have a report abuse button on their site, this is a very serious issue and it needs to be resolved straight away. No wonder, cyber bullies turn to Twitter to harass their victims, because the victims have no way of reporting it to the company.

A petition has received thousands of signatures calling on Twitter to rectify this somewhat dim witted error immediately after Caroline Criado-Perez who successfully campaigned for women to appear on bank notes in the UK has received various threats from members of the Twitter community. The threats ranged from threats of violence and rape threats which, quite frankly is vile and disgusting.

Twitter UK’s Tony Wang later said the company was “testing ways to simplify reporting abuse”. Well, I’m sorry but what could be simpler than clicking a button and filling in a few boxes? even most non tech savvy people could mange that. Mr Wang is simply trying to worm his way out of not having a report abuse button by making up some lie filled story to throw the public off of the scent, This is uncalled for and will not make this pressing issue just disappear into thin air. Twitter need to take action and they need to do so now!

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