Saturday 7 September 2013

Miley Cyrus – Another innocent pop star turned sour by the modern music industry

Lets be honest here, it was only a matter of time before another innocent girl was turned into a monster by the many powerful record label owners and agents that have taken over the American pop music scene. What has happened to the girl who starred in Hannah Montana and recorded motivational songs such as “The Climb”? I can tell you what has happened, her fame and fortune has corrupted her and turned her into the  monstrosity she is now!

That  is, sadly the way of the world nowadays, everyone who makes it into the big time of the music industry feels they have to conform to stereotype. Miley has unfortunately fallen into that trap, she feels she has to wear loads of makeup, sing outrageously dirty songs and act and dance like a slut! To a certain extent, this saddens me a lot because, although I didn’t watch Hannah Montana (obviously) I remember what Miley used to be like, she used to be someone for young girls to look up to for inspiration, she used to convey good messages to the public about how not to act! messages like, go to school, be respectful to your parents and all the usual stuff and now she has completely turned that message the other way!

As a musician myself, I have aspirations to make it to the big time an be famous and all of that but I certainly don’t want to end up having to conform to the “standard” that has been set nowadays, it is a very low standard and it makes me cringe every time someone says to me, “I really want to be famous like Miley Cyrus or Justin beiber or One Direction” because they, unfortunately, have no true idea of what the industry is like and are looking to all of the wrong people for inspiration!

Whenever I have a gig, the first question my friends ask me when they come to see me perform is “are you getting paid”? and when I say no they say “what’s the point in doing it if you don’t get any money out of it”? and no matter how many  times I try to explain to them that I perform for the enjoyment of performing and showing people my talent they just refer to the usual famous pop stars saying that Miley Cyrus would never do a gig if she wasn’t getting paid and I reply simply it’s because she is doing it for the money and I don’t think she has any talent anyway.

Unfortunately, I think it is clear to everyone that Miley is a lost cause that has been poisoned by the industry, this is sad but there are plenty of other musicians that can be steered away from the people that have infected Miley and be shown the right way of doing things!

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